Importance-Aware RAG

Importance-Aware RAG

In some cases, you may want to prioritize certain passages over others. For example, when you try to find specific information at Google search, there are some websites that you trust more than others. Or, some websites that you don't want to see. In this case, you can use importance-aware RAG.

Here, we introduce some useful tools for importance-aware RAG.

Passage importance

Importance-RAG can set passage importance by using Passage's importance field. The default value of importance is 0, and you can set this value to any int value. If it is minus value, its passage is less important than default passages. If it is plus value, its passage is more important than default passages. Using this field, you can retrieve passages with document importance.


This is the simplest way to implement importance-aware RAG. After retrieving passages, you can sort them by importance.

query = "What is the capital of Korea?"
retrieval = BM25Retrieval('/path/to/your/bm25.pkl')
passages = retrieval.retreive(query)

# rerank passages by importance
reranker = SimpleImportanceReranker()
reranked_passages = reranker.rerank(passages)

FYI, you don't have to input any query to rerank method, because SimpleImportanceReranker doesn't inherit from BaseReranker class.


If you want to mix importance with relevance scores, you can use WeightedImportanceReranker. It is similar with WeightedTimeReranker.

The algorithm to rerank passages is as follows:

importance_wieght * importance + (1 - importance_weight) * relevance_score

You can easily use WeightedImportanceReranker as follows:

query = "What is the capital of Korea?"
retrieval = BM25Retrieval('/path/to/your/bm25.pkl')
passage_ids, scores = retrieval.retreive_id_with_scores(query)
passages = retrieval.fetch_date(passage_ids)

# rerank passages by importance
reranker = WeightedImportanceReranker(importance_weight=0.5)
reranked_passages = reranker.rerank(passages, scores)

Set a Hard Limit of Passage importance

Another simply, yet powerful way to implement importance-aware RAG is to set a hard limit of passage importance. You can achieve this by using retrieve_with_filter at any Retrieval class you can use. You can set importance values you want to retrieve.

query = "What is the capital of Korea?"
retrieval = BM25Retrieval('/path/to/your/bm25.pkl')
passages = retrieval.retrieve_with_filter(query, importance=[0, 1, 2]) # only retrieve passages with importance 0 ~ 2

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