Win32 Hwp Loader


The Win32HwpLoader class is a base loader for loading HWP files in a Windows environment. It uses the pywin32 library to facilitate this process. The class can handle both .hwp and .hwpx file formats.

The primary use of this class is to extract all paragraphs and tables from a given HWP or HWPX file. It returns a list of Document objects, with the first Document containing all paragraphs excluding any text within tables. Each subsequent Document represents a table from the original file, with its content converted into HTML format. This allows you to handle complex table structures with ease.

The Document objects also contain metadata such as the source for file path and the page_type, which can either be 'text' or 'table'.

However, please note that Win32HwpLoader is only suitable for Windows. If you need to handle HWP files on macOS or Linux, consider using RustHwpLoader.


To use the Win32HwpLoader class, you need to initialize it with the path to the HWP file:

loader = Win32HwpLoader('path/to/hwp/file')

After initializing the loader, you can call either the load or lazy_load method to extract the documents:

documents = loader.load()


for document in loader.lazy_load():
    # process document

The load method loads all documents at once into a list, while the lazy_load method returns a generator iterator that yields one Document at a time. This can be useful for larger files as it allows you to process each Document individually, reducing memory usage.

Please note that the preprocessor method is called internally by load and lazy_load to handle the actual extraction and conversion of the HWP file content. It's not intended to be called directly.

In case the file extension is neither .hwp nor .hwpx, a ValueError will be raised.

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