
BasicIngestPipeline Class Documentation


The BasicIngestPipeline class handles the ingestion process of documents into a DB and a retrieval system. It is simple pipeline for beginners. It loads files from a directory using a file loader, splits the document into passages using a text splitter, saves the passages to a database, and ingests the passages into a retrieval module.



The BasicIngestPipeline class is initialized with the following parameters:

  • file_loader : File loader to load documents. You can use any file loader from Langchain and RAGchain.

  • db: Database to save passages.

  • retrieval: Retrieval module to ingest passages.

  • text_splitter: Text splitter to split document into passages. Default is RecursiveTextSplitter.

  • ignore_existed_file: If True, ignore existed file in database. Default is True. It uses FileCache internally.

from RAGchain.pipeline.basic import BasicIngestPipeline
from RAGchain.DB import PickleDB
from RAGchain.retrieval import BM25Retrieval
from RAGchain.preprocess.loader import FileLoader

file_loader = FileLoader(target_dir="your/path/to/file/dir")
db = PickleDB("your/path/to/pickle.pkl")
retrieval = BM25Retrieval(save_path="your/path/to/bm25.pkl")
pipeline = BasicIngestPipeline(file_loader=file_loader, db=db, retrieval=retrieval)


The run method executes the ingest pipeline. It takes an optional target_dir parameter, which specifies the target directory to load documents from. If target_dir is not provided, it uses the target_dir from the file loader that was passed in during the initialization of the pipeline.

This method will load the documents, split them into passages, save the passages to the database, and ingest the passages into the retrieval module.

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