Quick Start


pip install RAGchain

For more details, see our Installation guide.

Run Simple RAG workflow

The fastest way to use RAGchain is using pipeline. In this example, we use BasicIngestPipeline and BasicRunPipeline, which is simple but powerful.

Setup: Linker

Before run pipelines, you need to make Redis DB. It is essential part for link retrieval and DB. Please read Linker docs for more information.

You can choose between RedisDB, DynamoDB, or JSON file as your data storage. The choice depends on your project's requirements.

For example, let's take a look at a setup that uses RedisDB as a linker.

Redis Linker Setup

A great way to set up a Redis DB is using the free Redis.com DB. Go to redis.com and create your database.

After you build your own Redis DB, you can get the Redis host URL, port number, DB name (number like 0), and password. You must set these values to environment variables like below.

REDIS_HOST="your redis host url"
REDIS_PORT="your redis port number"
REDIS_DB_NAME="your redis db name"
REDIS_PW="your redis password"

If you want to use DynamoLinker or JsonLinker, you can set LINKER_TYPE to "dynamodb" of "json" and set the environment variables for each linker.

Setup: API Key

We want to use Vector DB retrieval and openai embedding in this example. So, you have to set your OpenAI API key. Set openai API key environment variable like below:

os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = "your-api-key"

Ingest your files

Then, you can ingest file. Prepare your .txt file. And run BasicIngestPipeline like below.

from RAGchain.pipeline.basic import BasicIngestPipeline
from RAGchain.DB import PickleDB
from langchain.document_loaders import TextLoader
from RAGchain.utils.vectorstore import ChromaSlim
from RAGchain.retrieval import VectorDBRetrieval
from RAGchain.utils.embed import EmbeddingFactory
import chromadb

chroma_db = ChromaSlim(
pipeline = BasicIngestPipeline(


In this example, we use PickleDB for simple saving to local disk. And use TextLoader for ingesting .txt file. And we use VectorDBRetrieval for simple dense passage retireval. As vector db, we use ChromaSlim.

You have to set path to location that you want to store chroma and pickle db.

When you run above code, BasicIngestPipeline automatically load your .txt file, split into passages, and save it to DB. Also, passage contents embeds to vector represnetation and save to Chroma vector DB.

Run your RAG workflow

After ingestion, you can simply run RAG workflow using BasicRunPipeline like below.

from RAGchain.pipeline.basic import BasicRunPipeline
from langchain.llms.openai import OpenAI

run_pipeline = BasicRunPipeline(retrieval=VectorDBRetrieval(chroma_db), llm=OpenAI())

question = "Type your own question at here"
answer = run_pipeline.run.invoke({"question": question})

While running above code, retrieval automatically retrieve related passages to your question. And, it uses OpenAI model, generate great answer to your question according to retrieved passages in your text file.

That's it! Now you can do question&answering about your files using LLM.

Unlock power of RAGchain

You can use various kind of Retrieval, LLM, Reranker. Also, you can use whole workflow easily using another pipelines.

Plus, you can load various kind of files, embed contents with embedding models, store vectors at various vector stores which compatible with Langchain. Also, you can use Langchain LCEL with RAGchain, so using various LLM models is really easy.

Lastly, please feel free to ask and contribute to RAGchain at issues tab in our git repo!

Last updated