Time-Aware RAG

Time-Aware RAG

In real-world applications, you'll often find that the latest information is more valuable than outdated data. However, manually discarding old information can be challenging and potentially harmful, as this information might be useful for other queries. Therefore, time-aware RAG is crucial for certain applications.

Here, we introduce some useful tools for time-aware RAG.

Passage content_datetime

First, we have content_datetime in Passage schema, available from v0.2.3. This field is automatically filled with the datetime that Passage is created, or you can manually set it. When you edit this passage, the content_datetime will be updated to the current datetime. You can use this field for time-aware RAG.


This is the simplest way to implement time-aware RAG. After retrieving passages, you can sort them by content_datetime.

query = "What is the capital of Korea?"
retrieval = BM25Retrieval('/path/to/your/bm25.pkl')
passages = retrieval.retreive(query)

# rerank passages by content_datetime
reranker = SimpleTimeReranker()
reranked_passages = reranker.rerank(passages)

FYI, you don't have to input any query to rerank method, because SimpleTimeReranker doesn't inherit from BaseReranker class.


If you want to mix content_datetime with relevance scores, you can use WeightedTimeReranker. It is similar with Langchain's TimeWeightedVectorStoreRetriever, but you can use WeightedTimeReranker with any retrievals in RAGchain.

So, the algorithm to rerank passages is as follows:

relavnace_score + (1.0 - decay_rate) ^ hours_passed

In this algorithm, relevance_score is normalized.

You can easily use WeightedTimeReranker as follows:

query = "What is the capital of Korea?"
retrieval = BM25Retrieval('/path/to/your/bm25.pkl')
passage_ids, scores = retrieval.retreive_id_with_scores(query)
passages = retrieval.fetch_date(passage_ids)

# rerank passages by content_datetime
reranker = WeightedTimeReranker(decay_rate=0.02)
reranked_passages = reranker.rerank(passages, scores)

Set a Hard Limit of Passage datetime

Another simply, yet powerful way to implement time-aware RAG is to set a hard limit of passage content_datetime. You can achieve this by using retrieve_with_filter at any Retrieval class you can use. You can set multiple time ranges at once, then it only retrieves passages in the time ranges.

from datetime import datetime

query = "What is the capital of Korea?"
retrieval = BM25Retrieval('/path/to/your/bm25.pkl')
passages = retrieval.retrieve_with_filter(query, content_datetime_range=[
    (datetime(2021, 1, 1), datetime(2021, 1, 31)),
]) # only retrieve passages in January 2021


If you want to use recent information, but keep old and unique information, you can use ClusterTimeCompressor. This class semantically clusters passages, and keep only latest passage in each cluster. For clustering passages, it uses SemanticClustering.

You can select split_by_sentences option when initializing ClusterTimeCompressor. If this option is True, it splits passages to each sentence and clusters them. This option can be helpful that each passage size is big or contain whole different meanings in one passage.

query = "What is the capital of Korea?"
retrieval = BM25Retrieval('/path/to/your/bm25.pkl')
passages = retrieval.retreive(query, top_k=50)

compressor = ClusterTimeCompressor(SemanticClustering(EmbeddingFactory('openai').get(), 'kmeans'), split_by_sentences=True)
compressed_passages = compressor.compress(passages)

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